Thursday, July 15, 2010

What On Earth Am I Here For?

Thoughts taken from Rick Warren's book, "The Purpose Driven Life."

"A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree." Proverbs 11:28 (Msg)

It all starts with God. It's not about you.

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by His purpose and for His purpose.

Every other path we try to take to "find" happiness, joy, or contentment is a dead end. But how do we find our own unique purpose? We can turn to what God has revealed about life in His Word. The easiest way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator of it. The same is true for discovering your life's purpose: Ask God.

God's Word is our Owner's Manual, explaining why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. God has not left us in the dark to wonder & guess. IT'S ALL IN HIS WORD!

"For everything, absolutely everything above & below, visible & invisible,...everything got started in Him and finds purpose in Him." Colossians 1:16 (Msg)

Thoughts to ponder...In spite of all the advertising around us, how can we remind ourselves that life is really about living for God, not myself?

"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord..They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT)

Hope you have a great day living a life full of purpose for Him!

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